The list below includes books, articles, and research reports that describe either the reliability and validity of Human Synergistics’ products or ways in which our products have been used.
Dean H. Stamatis (1996). Total Quality Service: Principles, Practices, and Implementation Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Clifford I. Nass, Yongme Moon, John Morkes, Eun-Young Kim, and B.J. Fogg (1999). Computers are social actors: A Review of current research. Batya Friedman (Ed.) Human Values and the Design of Computer Technology. Stanford, CA: Cambridge University Press (pages 137-162).
Judith Baxter (2003). Positioning Gender in Discourse: A Feminist Methodology Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
Richard E. Potter, Robert A. Cooke, Pierre A. Balthazard (2000). Virtual Team Interaction: Assessment, Consequences, and Management. Team Performance Management. Volume 6, Issue 7/8 (Pages 131-137).
Janet L. Szumal (2000). How to use group problem solving simulations to improve teamwork. The 2000 Team and organization development sourcebook. Silberman, M., & Philips, P. (Eds.) New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Nicole Skibola (2011). Mindfulness as a tool for organizational and social change. Forbes Corporate Responsibility Blog.
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